
My name is Sarah and I was born in the beautiful city of Riga. From a very young age, I was passionate about learning new things. My parents were always amazed at how closely I paid attention to everything around me, be it a book, a lesson at school, or a walk in the park. When I turned 18, I visited several European countries and felt very free and happy immersing myself in new cultures and exploring different cities. This trip gave me a lot of unforgettable impressions and knowledge about the world. Today I am 19 years old, and I still strive for new knowledge, I want to learn languages, immerse myself in different cultures and share my impressions with the whole world. I dream of finishing my education at university as a civil architect; by developing in this field, I could make this world a better place. I look forward to new adventures and opportunities to learn new things and make this world a more beautiful place!
Straight Female
None at the moment

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