
My name is Rose, I'm 18 years old. I love communicating with people, because you can find something interesting and surprising in everyone. Walking the streets of the city and enjoying the beauty of nature is my hobby. Travel is my passion, I love discovering new places, getting to know different cultures and immersing myself in the atmosphere of unfamiliar cities. Traveling teaches me to see the world wider and understand how diverse and amazing our world is! I dream of flying to Japan to immerse myself in its culture and beauty. Where would you like to go on your dreamy journey?)I cannot stand rude communication and disrespectful attitude towards myself and others. When people speak rudely and unkindly to me, I feel insulted and upset. I believe that politeness and kindness are the basis of good relationships between people. I also get irritated by dishonest people who lie and deceive for their own benefit.
Straight Female
None at the moment

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